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5 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

Perfectionism is an illusion. It is a heavy weight to carry. The world sees perfectionism as a lofty goal, leaving those who suffer from it as a never ending cycle of disappointment and shame. As a recovering perfectionist here are 5 ways to overcome perfectionism.

  1. Get in touch with the belief that drives your behavior. Many perfectionists have an underlying belief that they are not “good enough” or not “worthy of.” A common theme for me was the fear of rejection or failure. By becoming aware of these beliefs I could change them to “I am good enough,” “I am worthy.

  2. Change your expectations. Learn to be content with good enough. Realize that you did your best and that’s good enough. Create realistic expectations that you are able to meet. This will enable you to trust yourself and improve your self confidence, tools that help you overcome perfectionism.

  3. Practice Self Care. Embrace your uniqueness. Remember who you are. Accept that you are human. Treat yourself like you would a close friend. We all have shortcomings and flaws and things don’t always go as planned. Stop the inner critic and be kind to yourself. I have found prayer, meditation, and mindfulness practices have helped me with self compassion.

  4. Limit Social Media. We can’t hide from the digital age, social media is part of the world we live in. We can limit how much time we spend comparing ourselves to others and to the life we think they have. Remember, behind the filters, perfect family poses, flawless beach bodies,and exoctic travel photos, is a woman who just polished off a quart of ice cream while screaming at her kids and wishing her husband would not touch her.

  5. Connect with other women. Perfectionism thrives in isolation. There are women just like you who struggle with similar issues. Find a woman or group that you trust and share your struggle. This is the catalyst that inspired me to create Dynamic Woman. I suffered in isolation for years. Removing the facade that my life was perfect was when the healing began and my authentic beautiful messy flawed life began.

Perfectionism is more common than you know. You are not alone. Join me in The Dynamic Woman Group - Food, Wine, Travel and Relationships for Fab Females It’s time to Live your Best Life


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